
The Diploma in Film Directing is a specialized 3-year academic program in which film students are prepared to face all the challenges and commitments required by the Department of Film Direction of a professional audiovisual project. 

In this way, the student will be invited to learn about every aspect and every task for which the film direction team is responsible, being able to take on any conversation, any creative process and any practical execution of a project, with all the departments and profiles that make up the Spanish film guild. 

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1 October 2025 to 26 June 2026


Enrollment is Open
Until 20 September 2025


From October to December:

Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

January & February:

Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

From March to June:

Monday to Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Formation hours

More than 1400 teaching hours + joint practices.


  • Small groups.
  • Specialized Masterclasses.
  • Own title.

Target audience

This diploma has been designed for anyone who wishes to explore their artistic concerns within the framework of a cinematographic work. It is highly recommended to have linguistic virtues, general culture, philosophical concerns and the ability to both make an effort and work in a group. Any previous training in audiovisual, art history, communication or fine arts will be beneficial for the student. 

Who you'll become

In the direction of a cinematographic work. Once you have successfully completed the degree, you will be able to take on the authorship of a fiction project, working together with all the departments involved in the development of a film. You will get to know all the vocabulary, all the techniques and all the debates that enliven cinematographic creation.

In any member of the film direction department of a work of fiction, thus knowing the responsibilities and functions of an assistant director, a scriptwriter or an assistant director. 

He is an observer, connoisseur and critic of cinema, having developed methodology, precision and maturity in matters of film research and evaluation. 

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Our way of teaching

Part of the goal is that each student learns the trade and is prepared to perform any position within the management department in a practical way. That is why, through agreements with various associations and producers, we keep our study plan updated and we can improve it every year.

In this way, we can set up a pedagogical machinery that places the understanding of creative processes and their development as the main value.

Applying what has been learned is one of the main values of our way of teaching. These are complex processes that need to be understood over time and will help shape the minds of tomorrow's talent.

Study plan

For more information about our study plan, fill out the form and contact us.


Izaskun Artegui Alcaide
Izaskun Artegui Alcaide
Research workshop tutor
Professor and researcher at the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Alberto Garcia Ballesteros
Alberto Garcia Ballesteros
Profesor de cine e historia
Licenciado en ciencias políticas y relaciones internacionales por la Universidad Paris rabajó en el Festival de Cine de Duhok (Iraq)
Guillermo Rivera
Guillermo Rivera
Direction tutor
Crítico de la fundación MONTRESSO
Ana Julia Silvino
Ana Julia Silvino
Profesora de pensamiento crítico y cine
uraduría cinematográfica por la Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (UPV-EHU), participó en el 5º Talent Press Río de Janeiro (2021) de Berlinale Talents
Ibai Ariztegi
Ibai Ariztegi
Profesor de guion cinematográfico
12 Gosari" (Ganadora ayuda de desarrollo Gobierno Vasco 2024) o ayudante dirección en la obra de teatro "La boda de otros" (2024).
Iker Reyes
Iker Reyes
Profesor de historia del cine
Postgrado en Creación en la Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola mientras prepara su primer largometraje
Ainhoa Ordoñez
Ainhoa Ordoñez
Non-fiction film teacher
He is developing his first feature film
Mariana unda
Mariana Unda
Art history teacher
Production scholarship, in the Visual Arts modality of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
Gerardo Tome
Gerardo Tomé
Film directing teacher
Soledad Santelices
Soledad Santelices
Production, financing and distribution teacher
Producer, Chilean-Ecuadorian film director and founding partner of the production house "INCUBADORA" and has worked as a producer between Ecuador and Chile
sara fantova 01
Sara Fantova
Film directing teacher
His short film “Don't wake me up” premiered in the official section of the 63 Seminci and was in Rotterdam
alba lozano
Alba Lozano
Script teacher
His short film “Non Grata” (2022) wins the Best Short Film Award at the Alicante Festival (Goya Qualifier)
jordi lopez
Jordi López
Profesor de cinematografía
Montador del largometraje "Matar a Dios"
ruben corral
Rubén Corral
Film directing teacher
ZINEBI programming coordinator
Ainara lopez
Ainara López
Film editing tutor
He has worked under the orders of Nacho Vigalondo, Julio Medem, Gracia Querejeta
Profesor de banda sonora
Joseba Beristain
Soundtrack teacher
Nominado a los premios Goya por la banda sonora de "Unicornio Wars"
urko foto
Urko de los Ríos
Script teacher
Trabaja en el desarrollo de la serie Pegasus para Alea Media y HBO Max y vende los derechos de la serie Haizea a Bainet producciones.
David caina
David Caíña
Script tutor
Director de teatro y guionista
ane berriotxoa
Ane Berriotxoa
Profesora de dirección de fotografía
Su cortometraje "Bat" fue seleccionado en el too cool for school de Cannes

Enrollment, registration and prices

Request all the information by filling out the contact form, writing us an email, calling us by phone or visiting us in person.

We will send you all the necessary information so that you can register.

Formación Dirección de Fotografía Lanbroa 7


Escuela de Cine del País Vasco
C/ Mina San Luis 20, Miribilla Bilbao
Logo Google MapsOpen in Google Maps

Customer service schedule

  • From Monday to Friday:
    9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays closed