
The specialty confronts students with the challenges inherent to the processes of ideation, work methodologies, experimentation and conceptualization, as well as the materialization of film projects. Faced with the fundamental question of how a filmmaker is trained, the Master's Degree in Creation responds by posing another: how to get rid of everything and return to cinema through the specific knowledge provided by empirical work?

The master's degree process begins with the subject "Cinematographic Issues", which establishes the questions as the central axis of the narrative. Based on three stages, the first gives importance to working from the rigor of creative thinking and imagination, the second stage explores the methodologies of creation and the third proposes to advance in the films from their empirical creation.

Trying 2

Master's degree


1 October 2025 to 26 June 2026


Enrollment is Open
Until 25 September 2025


Monday to Friday from 3:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. a

Formation hours

More than 450 teaching hours + External internships


Small groups.

Own degree.

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Target audience

Graduates in Audiovisual Communication, Fine Arts, or other related university-level degrees.

 Students from film schools or artistic disciplines. Students with a Higher Degree in Audiovisual Projects and Shows or equivalent.

Professionals with proven experience in the audiovisual sector.

Who you'll become

Students of the Master's Degree in Cinematography will obtain a global knowledge of the tasks of the rest of the components of a film team – cinematography, art direction, editing, sound design, etc. – from the development of directed practical exercises and short films of their own creation, a practice that will be complemented with theoretical classes and master classes taught by professionals in the sector.

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Our way of teaching

El alumnado obtiene durante el master conocimientos de cinco de las principales disciplinas artísticas guion, producción, dirección, montaje y fotografía, con el fin de poder crear su propia experiencia y explorar su faceta más artística.


xabi elkorobarrutia
Xabier Elkorobarrutia
Editing teacher
Benito Macias 2
Benito Macias Canton
Profesor posproducción de sonido
Visions du Reel, San Sebastian, DOK Leipzig, PUNTO DE VISTA
adri nogales dop
Adri Nogales
Profesor de dirección de fotografía
Spot Xiaomi, Everlast, Osito con alcohol
Ane Cuesta
Ane Cuesta
Profesora de Script
Go!azen”, “Itsatsita”, “Patrimonio” y “El mal”.
Maria Rojo
María Rojo
Profesora de Dirección de actores
Graduada en la facultad de Bellas Artes y titulada en Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales
Ernesto Baez
Ernesto Báez
Cinematography Tutor
Director de fotografía de la serie de Disney + No abras nunca esa puerta
alba lozano
Alba Lozano
Script teacher
His short film “Non Grata” (2022) wins the Best Short Film Award at the Alicante Festival (Goya Qualifier)
Soledad Santelices
Soledad Santelices
Production, financing and distribution teacher
Producer, Chilean-Ecuadorian film director and founding partner of the production house "INCUBADORA" and has worked as a producer between Ecuador and Chile
Mike R. Nieto
Mikel R. Nieto
Sound Post-Production Teacher
urko foto
Urko de los Ríos
Script teacher
Trabaja en el desarrollo de la serie Pegasus para Alea Media y HBO Max y vende los derechos de la serie Haizea a Bainet producciones.
Ainara lopez
Ainara López
Film editing tutor
He has worked under the orders of Nacho Vigalondo, Julio Medem, Gracia Querejeta
rodrigo de pablo
Rodrigo De Pablo
Cinematography teacher
Ha trabajado para productoras como; Movistar + o Telecinco Cinema
Eduardo Carneros
Eduardo Carneros
Executive Producer
Camera d'Or at Cannes and an Oscar® nomination.
Gerardo Tome
Gerardo Tomé
Film directing teacher

Enrollment, registration and prices

Request all the information by filling out the contact form, writing us an email, calling us by phone or visiting us in person.

We will send you all the necessary information so that you can register.

Formación Dirección de Fotografía Lanbroa 7


Escuela de Cine del País Vasco
C/ Mina San Luis 20, Miribilla Bilbao
Logo Google MapsOpen in Google Maps

Customer service schedule

  • From Monday to Friday:
    9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays and Sundays closed