Two thousand twenty-two is being an interesting year. The film school of the Basque Country has established itself as an institutional reference in the training of professionals and the relationship between training and the industry.

Following this concept, a series of events and training proposals are being carried out that are on the way to making the ECPV one of the national references in terms of film school.
Last year the ECPV created a scholarship together with the international company Peris Costumes.
In this way, it strengthens the insertion of the students of the Master of Costume Design in the industry. Today we can announce that the ECPV has signed a contract with the FILMIN platform to grant scholarships to the school's students, thus carrying out internships in one of the fastest growing platforms and one that has helped the industry the most in the last decade.
The Filmin scholarship consists of practices on the platform where they will see the operation of this leading VOD in the sector, all this with the financial support of the ECPV.
In the words of David Pedrosa Morales, director of the ECPV “It is one more step on the road, we are at a crucial moment in the industry, platforms are one of the key points at this moment and we believe that it is necessary to go hand in hand. The fact that our students have the chance to see the inner workings of these platforms will allow them to improve as professionals.”
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