Estíbaliz Urresola, winner of three Goyas for her film “20,000 species of bees”, was teaching a masterclass on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.

The director, producer and screenwriter Estíbaliz Urresola, captured the attention of the entire film community last year with her debut film “20,000 species of bees”, for which its leading actress, the very young Sofía Otero, won the silver bear at the Berlinale for best lead performance and for which he also took home three Goyas, including best new direction and best original screenplay.
The director gave a masterclass for two days last week in the ECPV assembly hall in front of the school's students. In this masterclass, the students present had the opportunity to listen to the director talk about her career, beginning, present and future. On the other hand, during the two days that the masterclass with Estíbaliz Urresola lasted, the director also spoke about her view as a filmmaker. In addition, they also discussed topics such as the experience in the film industry as a woman or the success achieved after passing through national and international festivals.
Two days in which the director explained her cinematographic vision and shared her experience with all the students who were present during the masterclass.
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