The artist from Bizkaia, Mentxu Fernández gave a masterclass on the cinema of director Icíar Bollaín.

Last week, the ECPV students attended a masterclass on the work and career of the director Icíar Bollaín taught by the artist Mentxu Fernández and which took place in the school's assembly hall.
During the masterclass, Mentxu Fernández described Icíar Bollaín's film career, from her beginning at 15 years old as an actress in the film “El Sur” by Víctor Erice, the creation of her production company Producciones La Iguana, with which she filmed her first works, including the public and critical success “Te doy mis ojos” and also her collaboration with Ken Loach for the writing of the book about the Irish director entitled "Ken Loach, a supportive observer" or the creation of CIMA (Association of Women Filmmakers and Audiovisual Media).
Furthermore, apart from talking about the work and career of the Madrileña director, the masterclass also included the vision and critical thinking of Icíar Bollaín's cinema.
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