The new Association will be called EPE-IBAIA and will have 65 associated companies, whose main activity is the production of audiovisual content of all types of genres and formats.

The Extraordinary General Meetings of both Entities, meeting last Friday, April 12, gave the green light to the merger project presented by their respective governing bodies, emphasizing the importance of this moment to collaborate actively and with a single voice, to face the challenges that our companies and our sector face.
The provisional Board of Directors will be made up of ten people representing as many companies:
Marian Fernández (Txintxua Films); Iker Ganuza (Lamia Productions); Carlos Juárez (Basque Films); Koldo Zuazua (Kowalski Films); Ricardo Ramón (Dibulitoon Studio); Miren Berasategui (Lotura Films); Eduardo Carneros (Euskadi Movie AIE); Francisco Ruiz (Sonora Studies); Xabier Berzosa (Irusoin) and Idurre Cajaraville (Baleuko).
Marian Fernández (Txintxua Films) assumes the Presidency, with Carlos Juárez (Basque Films) as Vice President, under the commitment to call a new Extraordinary General Meeting within two months, in which a new governing body will be elected for the next years.
With participation in more than 60 cinematographic films produced in the last 2 years, with titles such as 20,000 species of bees, Cinco Lobitos, Upon Entry, Unicorn Wars and Irati, documentaries such as Karpeta Urdinak, Maldita. A Love Song to Sarajevo, or, fiction series such as Balenciaga, Intimidad, Itxaso or Goazen, and a significant number of hours of program production for both EITB (Herri txiki, infernu handi, Esto no es normal, Piztu Telebista or Akelarre ) as well as for state television (Karlos Arguiñano's Open Kitchen (Antena3), Cifras y Letras (RTVE) or Orbita Laika (RTVE)), the companies integrated into the new Association represent practically all of the audiovisual production in Euskadi.
The regulatory development of the General Law of Audiovisual Communication, the draft new Law of Cinema and Audiovisual Culture, the defense of the intellectual property of the works developed, the search for fiscal harmonization and the development of a sustainable model in the territories Basque regional councils or the promotion of the production and dissemination of audiovisual content in Basque, are some of the axes around which the Association's activity will revolve in the coming months.
Through this integration, EPE-IBAIA assumes a leading role in the dialogue of the Basque audiovisual sector with the institutions and agents of the sector, trying to give a boost to public-private collaboration at a key moment in the development of our sector.
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