Film Direction Reinforces New Pedagogical Talents

This academic year 2023 – 2024, new talents will join the ECPV staff.
It is a pedagogical team that arrives to complete a training that already had great professionals. We will expand the information by departments.
In this case, the following are incorporated into the Film Direction department:

Izaskun Artegui Alcaide
★ Docente e investigadora en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Licenciada en Sociología. Máster en Modelos y Áreas de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Suficiencia Investigadora acreditada por el Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (DEA).
Su trayectoria profesional se ha desarrollado, principalmente, como docente e investigadora en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Ha impartido diferentes asignaturas, entre las que destacan Teoría Sociológica e Historia del Pensamiento en los grados de Sociología, Filosofía y Antropología y de Técnicas de Investigación en los grados de Sociología, Ciencia Política y Comunicación Audiovisual, así como en el Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado.
Su investigación se basa, fundamentalmente, en las teorías en torno a los tiempos sociales y el riesgo, con un énfasis particular en la incertidumbre biográfica, las estrategias de planificación del futuro y las posibles contradicciones que surgen en este proceso. Además, ha colaborado en proyectos de investigación y liderados estudios respaldados por diversas organizaciones, incluyendo el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital del Gobierno de España, el Instituto Vasco de la Mujer - Emakunde y el Área de Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao.
Ha sido investigadora invitada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Su experiencia investigadora queda recogida en diversas publicaciones especializadas en sus áreas de conocimiento, así como en su participación con ponencias y comunicaciones en conferencias y congresos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.

Iker Elorrieta
★ Director of the feature film "The Radio Amateur"
Film and advertising director born in Bilbao. His first fiction feature film "The Radio Amateur" was the only Spanish film selected in the debut film section of the prestigious A-class festival: Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival in Estonia in 2021, and had its premiere in Spain at the San Sebastian Film Festival. The film won the "Prix Cinématographique de la Sorbonne 2022" at the Different14 Festival in Paris, and the "Bronze Camura" at the Bergamo Film Meeting festival in Italy in 2022.He began his professional career working as an editor of documentaries for television and animated feature films for Filmax entertainment. He studied film directing at the Ramón Llul University in Barcelona and has worked in advertising for brands such as Nike, Ford motor company, Adidas and Vans, among others. Her short documentary "I Forgot Myself Somewhere" 2017 (about women's education in northern Pakistan) was awarded at various international film festivals for human rights. Since 2012 he has participated as a filmmaker, director of photography in various audiovisual projects and recently as a teacher giving masterclasses in centers such as Crimic and the Sorbonne University in Paris.

Ekain Albite
★ Director of the feature film "Negu Hurbilak"
He was born in a small neighbourhood of Zestoa (Gipuzkoa) called Ibañarrieta in 1999. He graduated from the Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC) with a degree in directing. Within the context of the school, he made several short films in a hybrid format, all of them shot in 16mm with his classmates.
Her final degree project is the fiction feature film 'Negu Hurbilak' which was released in 1976. edition of the Locarno International Film Festival in the section 'Cineasti del Presente', winning the Special Mention of the Jury. The film was screened at several international festivals, including the 68th. edition of SEMINCI, in the 'Meeting Point' section.
In 2020, he embarked on an adventure with the Darahli association and the film production company Maluta Films that led him to shoot a short fiction film in the Sahrawi Refugee Camps entitled 'Haizearen egia'. This short film was presented at the ZINEBI festival in Bilbo and won the Special Mention of the Jury at the Euskal Zine Bilera festival in Lekeitio.

Alba Lozano
★ His short film "Non Grata" (2022) wins the Best Short Film Award at the Alicante Festival (Goya Qualifier)
He studied film directing at the ECPV and the ESCAC.
His short film "Non Grata" (2022) wins the Best Short Film Award at the Alicante Festival (Goya Qualifier) among others and has more than 50 selections. In 2023 he writes and directs his project "Utländsk", selected in the Udalbiltza Program. He has directed several commercials for the Basque Government and music videos for bands such as Etxekalte and Habi.
Throughout these years he has combined directing with his work as a script in more than 30 short films. Among the series and movies that stand out are "Amazing Elisa", "El Internado Las Cumbres", "Itxaso", "Angela", "Machos Alfa", "Ni p*ta idea de la música" and "Victor el Espantapájaros".

Sara Fantova
★ His short film "Don't Wake Me Up" premiered in the official section of the 63rd Seminci and was in Rotterdam
In 2013 he began his university studies at the ESCAC (Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya), specializing two years later in directing
cinematic. She graduated in 2018 with "Don't Wake Me Up", a short film that premiered in the official section of the 63rd Seminci and was in Rotterdam among other festivals. She is also one of the eleven co-directors and co-screenwriters of "La filla d'algú", the collective feature film tutored by Sergi Pérez and premiered at the Malaga Film Festival with which Aina Clotet won the silver biznaga.
In addition, since finishing her degree she has participated in different projects, thus continuing her training and incursion into cinema as a meritorious and assistant director in several projects. Among other things, he has been a children's coach in the series "Días de navidad" by Pau Freixas and "Los buenas modales" by Marta Díaz de Lope Díaz. He has also auditioned "Un lugar común" by Celia Giraldo and has been a script writer for it, as well as in the debut film "AMA" by Júlia de Paz Solvas, in the series "Doctor Portuondo" by Carlo Padial and in "Te estoy amando locamente" by Alejandro Marin.
This yearhe has co-directed with Celia Giraldo three of the episodes of the series created by Aina Clotet, "Aixo is not Sweden". And he is currently in the post-production process of his first film "Jone, batzuetan".

Jordi López
★ Editor of the feature film "Matar a Dios"
He was born in São Paulo, Brazil and currently resides in Barcelona.
He studied at ESCAC, the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia, specializing in Editing.
As a director, in addition to Wednesday; Scorsese has directed the teaser for "A Good Son", a feature film project developed at "Four Corners/Talent Campus" (a one-year workshop of the Media program and several European film schools), and is currently developing another feature film project, The Day After, for which he also shot a teaser and has just shot another short film. Lion Dreams (Contraria MEDIA, 2023).
He has also directed several commercials, such as "Lletres" and "Ciutat Nova", for the APPEC group (Catalan press association), as well as for the production company LIFE & PICTURES. And he has been the director of more than 80 training capsules for the Barcelona City Council produced by the Bertessman group.
He has edited a large number of promotional pieces, trailers, spots, promos, etc., both for the films in which he has worked as an editor or assistant, as well as on behalf of other production companies. For example: "Eva" Escándalo Films (2011), "Mariha Mundi and the Midas Box" (Arcadia Films 2012), "Estigmas" (Nadir films "2010"), Out of the Dark (Apaches entertainment, 2014), Somos gente Honrada (Vaca Films & El terral, 2013), Más Negro que la Noche 3D (Celeste Films, 2014) and Vulcania (Zentropa Spain, 2105), El Guardian Invisible (Atresmedia, Nostromo Films, 2017), Paradise (The MediaProStudio, 2021), The Boarding School, The Summits (The Mediaprostudio, 2021) and Toscana (True Films, 2022).
He has also participated as an additional editor in several productions: the American version of "EVA" (Escándalo Films, 2011) in "88" (directed by Jordi Mollà, Media Films. 2011), ADIÓS (APACHES ENTR. 2019) CUERDAS (Bastian Films, 2019) The Last Show (HBO, 2020), UNBOXING IBAI (NETFLIX, 2020), Venus (Pokipsie Films, 2022), Mi Maestra se comió a mi amigo (VIX ORIGINALS, 2023). Offline editor during part of the filming of "Toro" (Apaches entertainment, 2016). As well as several short films in 35mm, including "Lucille", by Albert Pintó, which was selected at the Malaga Festival, "There Is Still Time", by Albert Pinto, selected at the Sitges Festival, and "Todo Queda en Familia", by Luis Fabra.
He has also served as editing supervisor of the feature films: The girl from the song (Escac Fims, 2017), BluRai (Escac Films, 2017), DESAPARECIDO (Escac Films, 2018), Mi querida cofradía (Escac Films, 2018), Ovella (ESCAC FILMS, 2021).
He has also worked briefly in television, editing an episode of the series Cites (Arca audiovisual, 2015), as well as assembling promotional pieces for said series.
He has been assistant editor in feature films such as "Trash" (Escándalo Films 2008), "la Mari" (Invitro Films 2008), "Estigmas" (Nadir films "2010"), "Transgression" (Just Films 2010), "Eva" Escándalo Films (2011), "Mariha Mundi and the Midas Box" (Arcadia Films 2012).
At the same time, he works as a professor of editing and direction, teaching at ESCAC (Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia) in the higher degree, master's and postgraduate courses and in international cooperation programs that have led him to give workshops in Lima (Peru) or Dakar (Senegal). He also teaches directing and editing workshops at the ECIB (BARCELONA FILM SCHOOL). In addition, he is supervisor of editing of final degree short films, and feature films in both schools.

Ruben Corral
★ ZINEBI Programming Coordinator
Born in Sabiñánigo (Huesca), he has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country, a Master's Degree in Multimedia Journalism and a Diploma of Advanced Studies in the History of Spanish Cinema.
Programming coordinator of ZINEBI – Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival, he has collaborated with the Gijón International Film Festival, the UNAM International Film Festival (Mexico) and the Indiana University Cinema (USA).
He participated in the evaluation committee of the Fund for Film Development (Proimágenes Colombia) 2021 and has been a speaker at industry activities at festivals such as DocLisboa (Portugal) or Visions du Réel (Nyon, Switzerland). He is co-director of ZINEBI Networking: Dokumentalen Sorgunea – Professional Forum of Documentary Film of Bilbao.
He has been an advisor to Zinemateka of Azkuna Zentroa between 2011 and 2021; programmed the sessions 'Classics on the big screen' at the Sala BBK in Bilbao between 2013 and 2020; and he has been a programmer for Zinemabarri – Zine Kluba and Zinematxiki at Muxikebarri Zentroa (Getxo). Always in relation to the film programme, he has collaborated with the Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao, Kulturbasque (UPV/EHU), the Basque Navarrese College of Architects, Astiune (Mungia) and the Filmoteca de Navarra.
He has published reviews and articles related to cinema on websites such as La Butaca or Cineismo, and in magazines such as Fotogramas, Versión Original, Quatermass or Pausa.
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