Esta semana acudieron los medios de comunicación, en concreto EITB, a las instalaciones de la ECPV–Escuela de cine del País Vasco

The Eitb visited the ECPV facilities on the occasion of the wave of filming that is arriving in Bizkaia due to the new tax incentives.
For this reason, students, teachers and management answered some questions raised about their future and the future of the film industry.
From the ECPV we always raise the same thing, the need to structure the future of Basque cinema and audiovisuals from training. To this end, the school has been updated during the last decade and this update has had its effect seeing how the shootings are getting closer and closer to the Basque Country, growing in number year after year.
Platforms, production companies and filming services have endorsed the good work of the professionals who graduate from our school year after year.
Now the school is looking forward to the future, although a growth in filming is expected to jeopardize the number of professionals needed to meet the demand of the sector. For this reason, the ECPV is growing at a good pace, without losing sight of the quality of training.
From the school, this year it is expected to revalidate numbers, expand the staff and facilities, in order to finally reach the place that corresponds to a school that has marked a before and after in Basque audiovisual training.
The report can be viewed by clicking here.
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