A stage is over, and this only means the beginning of a new one. Today, more than ever, the ECPV means talent, art and trade.

On June 30, we held the 2022 end-of-course gala, a very special gala since it was the first one we had done since 2019.
For this gala we have several important sponsors such as Rural Kutxa , Bilbao City Council , Bilbao Bizkaia Film Commission and Bilbao Arena , to whom we thank for their participation.
A stage is over, and this only means the beginning of a new one.
Today, more than ever, the ECPV means talent, art and trade. A year full of joy awaits us, new facilities, new talents, new ideas, more masterclasses, new projects and more master's degrees.

During the gala we conducted interviews with; Guadalupe Balaguer , director of production and content at Disney, who was our godmother this year. Juan Manuel Zumeta, film directing student who received the Filmin scholarship. Teresa Ochagavia, film directing student who received the scholarship for the Coofilm residency and Asier Toledo, editing and sound student who received the Netflix scholarship.
Videos of Maria Zabala .
Photos by Marta Fresnillo .
At the Gala we have collaborated with:
Valtika studio , Dj Penny Lane and Weddings very mine.
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