ECPV talent lands at the Malaga Film Festival.

There are many productions that are currently being carried out in Bizkaia thanks in part to the tax breaks that the Bizkaia Provincial Council has established to attract in this way one of the most booming sectors at the moment, the film and film sector. audiovisual.
Due to this increase in productions, many are those who feel attracted to study what in the past could be considered a career without much future, which was not true, but under the gaze of a more conservative society, film studies were considered of little value. Now, that stigma has disappeared and good faith is the fact that the majority of alumni trained at the ECPV are working on productions that are being filmed in the Basque territory.
An example of the good work of the alumni and also of the ECPV faculty is their presence in titles such as “El Aprendiz” by Raúl Campos Martín with the alumni Adriana Rolloso in charge of the sound department or “Betiko Gaua” by Eneko Sagardoy with Professor Artur Pol Camprubí, who was in charge of signing the photograph, both in the official short film section in competition at the prestigious Malaga Film Festival. In addition, “El Aprendiz” is a co-production of ECPV with Basque Films, producer of the Netflix hit “El Hoyo”.
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